
You know when you have an idea for a blog, but you don't want to do it yourself? We have a solution for that! Here on this page you can leave comments with ideas that you have. Such as:
Do-it-yourself projects you think we should do. Something we should post. A new thing of the week. And all that jazz. We may twist your ideas to make sure that they are in our ability to complete them. So don't feel weirded out by that, if that happens. Please try to keep within the limits of our own suggestions. But if you have something different don't hesitate and we'll try to make it happen. :)

 Keep in mind that we will be opening up an Etsy shop in the near future. Feel free to suggest what sorts of things you think we could make.

~Rachelle and Haley


  1. So, we can suggest anything? There is no limit? This is like a miscellaneous blog?

    1. Kinda sort of and no. We aren't super women here. *wink wink*
      But like I said, (in my edited post) if you have an idea then don't hesitate to post it and we'll see what we can do.
      But, I refuse to try and create madcow mascots to sell on out Etsy shop. :P

  2. You guys should post random tips and tricks for different stuff.

    Like maybe when you post a recipe you could also include your special technique(s). For example: "grabbing the raw steak from one side and then smacking your siblings upside the head with it will tenderize it faster, amd is a lot more entertaining than conventional tenderizing techniques."

    Or, you know, stuff like "frisbee-throwing tips" *wink wink* and random stuff like that.

    Or maybe you could do stuff like "life hacks," if you know what those are.

    1. Well actually we are closing this blog down for a time. neither of us have had the time to get a blog post written explaining why and all.

      *dies laughing* That has got to be one of the most hilarious special techniques I have ever heard of!
      It sounds like you've tried it before... Which luckless sibling got the brunt end of the steak?

      Yeah! :P

      I don't think I've heard of life hacks...what is it?

  3. Oh. Too bad. :(

    I, uh, well, you see... um, it's not what you think. I can explain... no, I can't.

    If you're Rachelle, then you probably got the frisbee referance better than Haley would (should I be able to tell which of you I'm talking to?), she tried giving me some much-needed frisbee-throwing tips last month.

    Life hacks are (in this case) defined as any sort of trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method used to increase productivity and efficiency, in everday life.

    1. Yeah, oh well. :P

      Why can't you explain? Is it something you can't explain for all of cyberspace to see? *wink wink*

      This is Haley. You've been talking to Haley the whole time.
      I tried to give you frisbee throwing tips last month?

      I see! Sounds like the up-dated version of Mr. Gilbreth's philosophy.

    2. I'm innocent! You can't prove anything!

      Oh, okay. Oops, I worded that incorrectly... It was Rachelle who was giving me frisbee tips.

      I've never heard of that...

    3. I'll just ask your siblings next time I see them... *wicked laugh*

      I thought so. But you know Rachelle Myers? She's the Rachelle that's co-authoring this blog with me.

      You've never read Cheaper By the Dozen before? Does it sound familiar? *wink wink*

  4. I'll just have to make sure there won't BE a next time for you to see them! *twice as wicked laugh*

    I'm pretty sure I met her the day we did the play.

    It DOES sound familiar. I think we saw some of the movies they made off of it years and years ago. Even if I have read it, it would be so long ago that I wouldn't remember.

  5. *wicked cackle* That's virtually impossible!

    Oh duh! *smacks forehead* I keep forgetting that was last month.

    I see. I've read the book I don't know how many times. Quite a few, that's for sure! :P

  6. Keyword: virtually. Physically, it's not only possible, but highly probable! >:D

    Don't be hard on yourself. My brother and I called her "Michelle" a few times on accident.

    I feel like I'm cluttering up this blog with useless comments... do you wanna move to email?

    1. You got me there!

      Oh, I think she's used to that. I once called a boy 'Paper' because his I didn't know his name and it sounded like it. It was actually Keifer.

      Haha. Sure!
